A rainbow flower is a rose that is very colorful. Each petal is a different shade of blue, purple, green, orange, pink, and yellow.
You might think how is this possible? Is it a real rose? Well, yes this is a real rose that has to be special ordered because it takes a long process. Peter Van de Werken from Southern Holland designed this rose and made this possible by inserting dye into the stem of the roses as they are growing. These roses are only available as cut or dried roses and can not be purchase as a rose bush. Rainbow roses are five times the cost of a normal rose. These roses are very popular during the holidays specially Valentines since they are very unique and there is not many vendors who sell them.
You might think how is this possible? Is it a real rose? Well, yes this is a real rose that has to be special ordered because it takes a long process. Peter Van de Werken from Southern Holland designed this rose and made this possible by inserting dye into the stem of the roses as they are growing. These roses are only available as cut or dried roses and can not be purchase as a rose bush. Rainbow roses are five times the cost of a normal rose. These roses are very popular during the holidays specially Valentines since they are very unique and there is not many vendors who sell them.
We recently had to design a sweet 17th that consisted of rainbow roses. We incorporated Purple Tulips and Purple Hydrangeas into our design to compliment these unique colorful roses to bring out the purple from the rose.
So next time you when you want to surprise your guest at an event, surprise them with these fun unique rainbow roses.